Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Prep

Just checking if the lights are working...


Ivy and Hazel had a mini-make-out session to get the best photo.

Devonian Gardens

Olivia and Hazel fed the fish at Devonian Gardens and tried to avoid diving in the pond.

What is this?

Discovering a flashlight is blinding.



What can I say? Like mother, like daughter!


A highlight of Hazel's day is checking out the fish. She squeals and taps the glass (I'm sure the fish love her too)!

Snack and Play

Elliot and Hazel had a belated bday party for Elliot and snacked on carrot muffins.

Swimming Lessons

Daddy is taking Hazel for her first swimming lessons... so much fun! Last week she even went down the waterslide!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sleeping Angel

This is how Hazel sleeps EVERY day. "Bear Mayer" has to be by her side, with her pink blankie over her and don't forget 'soocie'!!

Shopping at Holts

Just chillin with Auntie at Holts.

So cute

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Helping with Chores

Hazel loves to help Mommy with her chores.